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KB증권 Start able 앱 다운받고, 신해철 콘서트 가자! 언제 어디서나 손쉽게 계좌도 만들고, 신해철 콘서트 티켓 응모 기회까지 일석이조의 혜택 받아가기 [신해철 콘서트] 시간 : 2017.11.19(일) 오후 7시 장소 : 예스 24 라이브홀 [KB증권 스마트 계좌 개설(비대면) 서비스] 지점 방문 없이 언제, 어디서나 쉽고 편하게 KB증권 계좌를 만들 수 있는 서비스입니다. 1. 대상 고객 계좌를 개설하고자 하는 본인(미성년자, 외국인, 재외국민, 법인, 대리인 개설 불가) 2. 서비스 제공시간 24시간 365일(단, 23:45~00:15분 30분간은 점검 시간으로 서비스 진행이 불가합니다.) 3. 사전 준비사항 신분증(주민등록증, 운전면허증)및 현재 온라인 거래가 가능한 본인 명의 금융기관 계좌번호 [계좌 개설 절차] Step 1. 본인인증 및 신분증 확인 - 신분증(주민등록증, 운전면허증) 제출 - 휴대폰 및 공인인증서를 통한 본인 확인 Step 2. 계좌 개설 - 관심 있는 상품과 서비스에 대한 계좌 개설 절차 Step 3. 송금 or 우편배송 - 당사 개설된 계좌로 송금을 통한 본인 확인 - 우편배송을 통한 본인 확인


The 2017 release of After Effects CC allows you to create dynamic, visually stunning motion graphics and visual effects wherever inspiration strikes. After Effects now allows you to seamlessly collaborate with editors through Team Projects and shared templates, quickly and easily create 3D compositions, instantly playback scenes without caching, and use more GPU-accelerated effects in your composition.

Collaborative post-production workflow with Team Projects
Team Projects is a new, hosted collaboration service built on the Adobe Anywhere technology that enables editors to seamlessly collaborate in the editing workflow in real time. Using Team Projects, editors and motion graphics artists can work simultaneously in shared team projects within After Effects CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, and Adobe Prelude CC without any additional hardware. Team project data is securely hosted in the cloud and the Media files referenced by your project are saved in local source files or in shared lightweight proxies. Team Projects also includes deep collaboration features such as version control and smart conflict resolution.

New 3D composition renderer: Cinema 4D
This release of After Effects includes a new 3D renderer that uses the rendering technology of Maxon’s Cinema 4D. You can now quickly create 3D text and logos without any specific hardware, bend planes, and extrude 3D text and shapes directly inside the timeline. The simplified 3D workflow allows you to easily control quality and render settings with a single slider, while using the same camera, lighting and text animation tools.

Performance improvements
Building on the new high-performance architecture released in the previous version, the latest release improves performance with faster and smarter processing on the GPU, and some under-the-hood features that are going to make things faster all round. Most video footage can now play back in real-time before effects are applied, without waiting for it to cache.

More GPU-accelerated effects
Performance improvements in this release includes more GPU-acceleration-enabled effects. The following effects are now GPU accelerated: Brightness and Contrast, Find Edges, Hue/Saturation, Mosaic, Glow, Tint, and Invert.

Improved live text templates workflow
Till the previous release, you could share a live text template with a Premiere Pro user only by providing a complete project file with relevant assets. In this release, you can package a composition along with its assets into a single, easy-to-share file with everything your editor needs. Just save your composition as a text template using the Composition > Export as Text Template option and the editor can then work on the template and assets within Premiere Pro.

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