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KB증권 Start able 계좌 개설 서비스(Android 지원, iOS 지원)
KB증권 Start able 앱 다운받고, 신해철 콘서트 가자! 언제 어디서나 손쉽게 계좌도 만들고, 신해철 콘서트 티켓 응모 기회까지 일석이조의 혜택 받아가기 [신해철 콘서트] 시간 : 2017.11.19(일) 오후 7시 장소 : 예스 24 라이브홀 [KB증권 스마트 계좌 개설(비대면) 서비스] 지점 방문 없이 언제, 어디서나 쉽고 편하게 KB증권 계좌를 만들 수 있는 서비스입니다. 1. 대상 고객 계좌를 개설하고자 하는 본인(미성년자, 외국인, 재외국민, 법인, 대리인 개설 불가) 2. 서비스 제공시간 24시간 365일(단, 23:45~00:15분 30분간은 점검 시간으로 서비스 진행이 불가합니다.) 3. 사전 준비사항 신분증(주민등록증, 운전면허증)및 현재 온라인 거래가 가능한 본인 명의 금융기관 계좌번호 [계좌 개설 절차] Step 1. 본인인증 및 신분증 확인 - 신분증(주민등록증, 운전면허증) 제출 - 휴대폰 및 공인인증서를 통한 본인 확인 Step 2. 계좌 개설 - 관심 있는 상품과 서비스에 대한 계좌 개설 절차 Step 3. 송금 or 우편배송 - 당사 개설된 계좌로 송금을 통한 본인 확인 - 우편배송을 통한 본인 확인

Paint full materials, in real-time
Choose your brush, select a material, tweak it if needed and then start painting! Each stroke applies all channels at once and the render is instantaneous, making it the most interactive 3D Painter out there. Paint multiple materials on one mesh, with each map going up to 4K resolution.

Next-Gen viewport
Preview your painting in a Physically based (PBR) viewport for accurate material feedback. Create beauty shots of your assets using one of the best optical effects technology out there (Yebis 2 by Silicon Studio) adding antialiasing, color correction, DOF, glare, bloom and much more .

Particle brushes
Throw dirt, fire or even make it rain on your object and watch the realistic weathering effects unfold in real time! Any material can be painted with particle brushes and these can be tweaked to an infinity of variations. Advanced users can also create their own particles using the editor (available here) provided by Popcorn FX.

Use any rendering shader
Import your own custom shaders and create your own channels to paint on. You can also use pre-built shaders such as the standard PBR (Physically-Based) or even one of the non-photorealistic rendering shaders we provide, like a simple toon shader

Substance effects and brushes
Apply custom or predefined Substance-driven masks and effects onto layers and layer masks to create realistic wear & tear or weathering. Paint Substance materials (parametric textures) on the model, tweaking their parameters to get the desired look (and paint your own imported Substances as well).

More features
Next-Gen 2D Painting
Introducing a fully shaded 2D view with free canvas rotation and seamless 2D painting. This takes the best of both worlds: the seamlessness of 3D painting and the convenience of a flexible 2D view.

Fully non-destructive workflow
Change the resolution at anytime and Substance Painter will recalculate every stroke almost instantaneously. Switch your UV set and it will reproject your strokes automatically (no need to have perfect UV’s to start painting!).

Substance Painter comes with a dense preset library of materials, tools and effects that are tweakable, making the possibilities infinite. You may also import and organize your own assets in the shelf.

Unified material stack
Tired of endless layer stacks? Have all your maps unified in one layer only and edit them all at once or separately.

'cg,vfx,gfx,fx' 카테고리의 다른 글

Adobe After Effects CC 2017 v14.1.0 Win64  (0) 2017.03.08
AUTODESK MAYA 2017 MACOSX UPDATE 3  (0) 2017.03.08
Phlearn Pro – DJ Dolo  (0) 2014.10.04
Phlearn Pro – Island of Morel  (0) 2014.10.04
3DMotive – Drone Modeling Volume 1  (0) 2014.10.04
블로그 이미지


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